A Festival of Lessons and Carols
Sunday, December 19, 2021 | 5:00 p.m.
Emmanual Episcopal Church| 16 Washington Street, Cumberland, MD
Our traditional community holiday offering of readings, carols, and congregational singing is back this year, and oh, how we need it!
In addition to the social distanced and masked in-person performance, Mountainside Baroque plans to LIVE STREAM its 2021 in-person performance of “A Festival of Lessons and Carols.” Since seating will be limited in the main sanctuary at Emmanuel, overflow seating is planned in the adjoining Parish Hall, where the service will be live streamed. We are working in partnership with Ryan Brenneman and Allegany Media so that you can view the event right here on our web site. It will also be streamed live on Facebook at Mountainside Baroque and on YouTube at Allegany Media.